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(Episode 1....trrrrial run) Move and Change are one of the same, do you want to choose?


Move: Change Place of/ Set or keep in motion 

Change is inevitable, for change, there has to be movement. Even though we may not be moving, everything else around you is. Are you deciding how to move?

What is something you want to move towards?

When you physically move, you're in motion, maybe the "e" in emotion is electricity, sense, or ability to feel movement. What if that's why when you're depressed, you don't feel like moving, what inspires a desire for us to move? My favorite movement is focused breathing. At the end of this clip, I would like you join me taking 4 deep inhales, and 4 deeper exhales. If you care to join, ask yourself, what did it feel like before breathing, during, and after.

"In order to achieve/recieve something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done."

"The magic you're looking for is in the work you're resisting

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